The Abaco Group


Our Services

Strategy Articulation


Fully articulated strategy not only describes your marketplace aspirations but also the type of organization you will become along the way.  We can help you quickly weigh your options, sharpen your vision and rally your team to decisive action.

Project Portfolio Optimization


Prioritizing, managing and determining the impacts of your project portfolio is difficult to establish and even harder to maintain.  We are experts in rationalizing and aligning efforts by installing differentiated governance and objective measures to optimize outcomes.

Business Model Design


More than a sum of parts, your business model reinforces the connection between strategy and structure.  We bring deep expertise in establishing the synergies of architecture, routines and culture in order to achieve sustained success.

Implementation Roadmap


Whether implementing a strategy, a new business model or new technology stack, organizations must continue to deliver results today while anticipating internal and external impacts along the way.  We will work with you to identify dependencies, sequence new capabilities and plan competitive responses. 

M & A Integration


Successfully integrating an existing organization paradoxically requires speed and structure as well as thoughtfulness and agility. We can help you avoid common pitfalls in the first 100 Days while creating a solid foundation upon which to better realize the forecasted benefits driving the deal.



Innovation is a primary activity for sustained success. Innovation is not a discrete part of the business, it cannot be automated, and it is not optional. We have a proven approach for making innovation a fully integrated function in your organization so that you can compete today and thrive tomorrow.